Tuesday 1 July 2014

Freckle Face Freckle Pencil

Now ladies, I don't know if you've seen the new but apparently Topshop are releasing a 'freckle pencil' next month. As someone who does have lots of freckles (that make me look about 5 YEARS OLD!!) without makeup on, this is truly one baffling little pencil. I've spent so many years covering up my freckles/trying to get so tanned they are camouflaged, I just can't understand why anyone would want to spend time adding imperfections to their face.

The freckle pencil will be available from Topshop this month for £5

Not to mention the time it would take....I mean I have hundreds of freckles, if you did 2 freckles a second, 1 minute of time, I don't think you'd get even close to enough to look natural. Plus, we all know in this hot weather make up slips and smudges in the heat...how will that affect this pencil, will you just get dirty smudges across your face when you accidentally forget and touch your face in the heat?

Anyway, I'd be interested to hear anyones reviews once the pencil is released, please do send us your thoughts. What do you think? Have you been lusting for freckles for years or will you be steering clear from this new make up trend?

Becky x

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